A Huge Thank You from our Neighbors. Your Sunrise Beach VFD and other local departments stand ready to serve and to protect. In most instances, we get a simple “Thank you” – and, in reality, that’s enough. However, the Trails HOA has gone above and beyond to thank the 18 fire departments that responded to the 400+ acre fire on August 13, 2020. Homes were saved – many at the last possible moment before the advancing flames reached them.
These grateful neighbors formed a fund raising committee and set a goal – NOT just any ole goal – a $100,000 target. AND, they reached that goal. Recently, local fire chiefs and members of some of the departments met at the Horseshoe Bay City Hall to ceremonially receive their portion of the funds raised. Below are some of the comments made by the chiefs that were in attendance. Speaking for our department I can tell you that we feel very appreciated by this outpouring of generosity.
We want to share some of the comments from the VFD Chiefs that were at the presentation. (in no order.. just wanted you to see how important your donations are).
Cottonwood Shores VFD: “We at the Cottonwood Shores VFD want to send a great big thank you to The Trails HOA for thinking of us and this very generous donation. This donation will go a long way to make up the funds that we were unable to raise over this year due to Covid 19”.
Marble Falls Area VFD: “The addition of this Donation will allow us to purchase rescue equipment to be placed on each vehicle we use in order to enhance community safety… throw ropes for each vehicle”.
Sunrise Beach VFD: “The Sunrise Beach VFD depends solely on donations and fundraisers for the annual budget of $70,000. This year has been a year of cancelled fundraisers that provide roughly half of our income. The generosity of the Trails HOA through their fundraiser will provide operational funds for fuel, replacement tires and maintenance of the fleet of attack vehicles. We deeply appreciate this support and are proud of the job done during the firefight that day”.
Buchanan VFD: “The funds will be used to purchase new SCBA packs as a part of our effort to upgrade/replace our SCBA that are reaching the end of their usable life”. Sandy Harbor VFD: “Our 2020 budget shortfall was due to a decrease in revenue as well as an increase in operating expense. Our fundraising was 50% below budget due to safety concerns of selling raffle tickets in public locations. These much needed funds will allow us to continue with our 2020 plans to upgrade fire extinguishers, SCBA equipment and flood rescue gear”.
Bertram VFD: “The funds will be used for training and equipment to better serve the area and help prevent loss of life and property”.
Llano VFD: “The funds will be used for operation and maintenance. This effort is very generous and appreciated as we have not been able to have our usual fund raisers due to the virus.
From Jan Burrow & Dick Nelson “What a neighborhood we live in… What generous, giving, loving neighbors”.
“We had a bad fire, and good people showed up”.. Jan Burrow